Happy Tuesday!
I see some weird things while at the gym and I'm sure you guys do too. Some of them are just downright hilarious, and some that make me question what in the world they are doing. Just for the record...I think it's great you're at the gym in the first place, but at least pay attention to what you're doing there!
1. Walk around aimlessly. Before you get to the gym, have a plan for how you're going to spend you're time there. Are you going to do the elliptical, run 3 miles, ride the bike, take a workout class, etc? The more specific you make it, the more likely you'll get it done.
2. This goes hand in hand with #1. There are certain advantages to working out with a friend (more motivation, someone to help you stick to your goals), but there's also disadvantages. You are less focused on your workout and can be distracted if both of you are chatterboxes. Don't just sit there and chat it up for 30 minutes mid workout or pause every other minute to talk. Experts say if you are truly focused on the exercise you are performing, your results will be better and I believe that 110%.

3. Punch the machine you're on. Once a guy next to me was literally punching the crap out of the treadmill he was on. I kept trying to figure out why one would do this-but couldn't come up with much. I know the treadmill can suck at times, but honestly, what will punching it do?
4. Wear your hair down while running. AHHH! This one drives me up a wall. How can you possibly run well, and hard, with your long hair down swaying back and forth? If you're concerned about looking like a lady, then you're focus is ALL wrong. You're at the gym...look like it.
5. Talk on your cell phone. If it's an emergency and you step away from the machine you're using-then OK, that's understandable otherwise-just no. N-o.

6. Skip a shower for the last 4 or 5 days and then decide to hit up the gym. Please...oh please...be aware of your body odor. There are still people next to you that don't want to have to move from a machine to another machine mid workout because of your stench. (This has happened countless times to me...)
7. Talk to others about how tired you are, how you shouldn't be there, etc. Don't make excuses! This isn't motivating to you or the person you are talking to. Mentally work through whatever you're complaining about, and get your workout done! You'll be glad that you did.

Oh, I found this mini workout you can do from home that I thought I would share.
Give it a try today!

Do you have any gym pet peeves?
I hope I'm not the only one here!
PS: Like I said earlier, this isn't to bring anyone down per say,
just to talk about how you can spend your time wisely at the gym. :)
Ack all of these drive me crazy as does going to a very crowded class, standing in the front of the class (keeping regulars from their spots) and then either 1. standing there doing nothing or 2. have no clue what you are doing and distracting or hitting the regular you have stolen their spot!
ReplyDeleteGirl preach. When I was in college one of my pet peeves were the people who showed up and didn't work out. The college had an indoor walking/running track at the top of the gym and people would stand in the way and chat while I was trying to run. Gah, it was so annoying.
ReplyDeleteI hate grunters. STOP GRUNTING PEOPLE!
ReplyDeleteThe worst are people who don't wipe down the machine they were on after sweating all over the place!
ReplyDeleteLove the first pictures. This is totally what happened at my gym. Everyone and their New Years resolutions. Biggest pet peeve are the people who use the treadmills and don't wipe them down after their run. Totally disgusting!!
ReplyDeleteI HATE the guys at the gym who stand around and look at themselves in the mirror 1000x! Drives me nuts!
ReplyDeleteI hear ya girl! Those ladies who come in wearing full make up and a head full of freshly curled (yes, we can tell the difference) hair just drive me nuts. Your poor pores.
ReplyDeleteToo funny! I also get annoyed by the gross guys that either (i) lift up their shirts to check out their abs in the mirror or (ii) constantly adjust their, ahem, packages without any modesty whatsoever. Finally, I wish some women would not treat the gym like a strip club. I understand that we all show more skin at the gym and kudos to the ones that have great bodies to show off but I have seen some women that have it all hanging out and are clearly looking for male attention. It's a sports bra...key word being bra, which means it is not a shirt.
ReplyDeleteI forgot my hair tie yesterday...so I was that girl in the gym with my crazy long curls loose on the treadmill. Didn't forget it today tho :)
ReplyDeleteI really dislike the grunters. I understand that you're working out and you may be working out harder than me. But if you sound like you might be a in bedroom, you need to quit. Please.
LOVED this post! I concur with just about everything you said. I do a lot of group fitness classes and one pet peeve I have is people who just sit there. Maybe they're new or they can't keep up, so they just QUIT! I've seen people literally stop in the middle of the class, go sit at the back of the room and wait for the class to end. You paid money to be there, why not at least try?
ReplyDeleteI hate it when the young high school guys leave their 45 pound weights on the machines. I am not buff enough to lift those things. They need to follow the rules and move their sh*t!!!
ReplyDeleteHaha OMG I would love to see someone punching a machine. Steroids much??
ReplyDeleteOh these are all good ones!! A few others I can't stand are when people are grunting and making funny noises. One time I was on the treadmill and the guy next to me kept making this funny noise. I kept looking over because I wasn't sure if he was trying to say something to me, or if he was ok. Maybe it was something he couldn't help, but it really distracted me. There was also a girl one time that would put on makup, before she worked out. You should go to the gym to workout...not find a husband. And she never sweated when she worked out...she kind of looked like Barbie working out.
ReplyDeleteThe girls who come to the gym and leave their hair down drive me batty! You are here to sweat!!
ReplyDeletethese are all SOOOO TRUE!!!!!
ReplyDeletethers this girl at the gym who everytime she runs on the tread, she will frequently reach back and squeeze her butt/feel her ass crack for sweat...IT IS TERRIFYING!!! She literally puts her hands down there to feel/squeeze. Okay chick, you're gonna sweat and you're GONNA GET SWASS!
this actually motivated me to goto the gym tonight. I wasnt gonna, but now I am. hahah thanks katie bear!!! :-)
I've always self-consciously wondered if people were judging me at the gym. After reading this and the comments, I am now convinced they are. Ha!
ReplyDeletehaha, oh I def get judged too :) no worries! I once legit broke a machine..it was mortifying. Made this huge noise and everyone stopped and stared. HAHA
DeleteKatie these are all so true!! There is one guy at my gym who sceams Woohoo and shakes his head side to side on the elliptical (think Richards Simmons era). I can hear him over my headphones. I always get a kick out of it, but kinda annoying. I have totally had to switch machines due to really bad body order, but also for overpowering cologne or perfume. Seriously people if you stink, shower do not try to mask the funk! It does not smell good, it just smells like flowery funk! :)
ReplyDeleteThe hair down drives me nuts! When I played softball in college we would be in the gym gettin' our pump on, ya know(??), and then we would see some skinny mini chattin' it up with her hair curled looking like she just won a beauty pageant. A-noy-ing! Hahah! Loves this post!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful day!
The hair down and bad body odor are two of my BIGGEST pet peeves at the gym!! No likey!
ReplyDeleteI have a weird schedule today, and I'm missing my usual Tuesday zumba class. I was trying to figure out what to do real quick at home late tonight, and now that you've posted that quick at-home work out routine, I'll be doing that later! Thanks for sharing this :)
ReplyDeleteI saw a poster on Pinterest that says something like, "If you still look cute after your workout, then you did work hard enough." Or something like that. There is a girl at my gym who really needs to read this! ;) She spends more time flipping her long hair in the mirror than actually working out. It always drives me crazy because I'm sweaty, my face is red and I'm breathing hard ~ and she still looks cute!
ReplyDeleteHAHA! These are too funny! I see this stuff all of the time at my gym too & it drives me crazy! Makes me wonder why those people really are there!?
ReplyDeleteI can't stand people that get on the treadmill right next to me, when there are like 100 other avilable. Why do you have to be so close?!
ReplyDeleteAdd to the list the guys and gals who show up showered in cologne or perfume. It gives me a headache and I can't breathe, get out of here with that!
ReplyDeleteAll of these are great!! I hate the girls that come to the gym with perfect hair and makeup in the smallest gym clothes they could fit themselves into! I once saw a girl on the stair stepper (my gym has the giant actual stairs stepper) in a bandage-type mini dress and flats! Seriously did she just have some extra time before her date?!?
ReplyDeleteI think I was the one wondering around the gym last night lol ... spin at 630 tonight, be there.
ReplyDeleteOh. My. Goodness! I seriously laughed at all of these!! Being someone who is at the gym 6 days a week, I could not agree more with your list! The hair down thing...KILLS me!! The walking around and talking is obnoxious too! This is not a bar where we socialize...we're here to work out! No lie, I saw a girl doing walking lunges on the treadmill on Sunday. But like spastic ones...she is going to hurt herself! Love this post!!
ReplyDeletedon't drop/throw weights and grunt! I jump every time it happens and I once fell off the ab machine because someone made the raunchiest animal/sex noise after throwing their dumbbell to the floor while I was mid super-crunch.
ReplyDeleteI don't go to the gym very much because we have a "mini" gym at our house (well, really it only consists of a treadmill and a few weights)... but when I see people walking around at the gym like they're confused it's kind of funny. I always plan ahead and think "okay, today I'll do arms and legs... cardio tomorrow" or something to that effect. Love this post! :)
ReplyDeleteThis post made me so happy! I use to work out at the gym in my office, so not only was it weird that I worked out with the same people that I would sit in a meeting an hour later, but that weird guy that grunted in yoga was never taken seriously again!
ReplyDeleteI'm planning to workout like nuts !!!! XO Neja
ReplyDeleteAmen to this post girlfriend! I can't understand running with long hair down either... doesn't that feel gross when it gets sweaty and hits your back? Some things I'll never understand... I must admit though, I'm glad the gym is back to being less crowded :)
ReplyDeleteHaha. These were great. I have to say I always go crazy when a girl has her hair down. You're at the gym to work out, not to try and look pretty. That's the only possible reason I can think of as to why someone would do this..
ReplyDeleteI hate the dudes who stand around or SIT ON the machines you want to use just chatting and being creepers! Ugh!
ReplyDeleteI go to the gyms in the mornings at 5:30 AM and every Tuesday and Thursday there are a group of guys there who don't stop talking. You want to talk about chatterboxes how about with a LOUD Jersey accent? Then come to my gym and hop on the treadmill and be prepared to turn the volume up on your ipod as loud as it goes to try and drown them out :)
ReplyDeleteOMG, I love this whole post so much! My friend and I were just complaining about all of the New Year's people at the gym and how annoying they can be! My other pet peeve (in addition to all of yours, which I agree with 100%!) is when people get on the treadmill and walk at like 1.5 mph for half an hour! Can't they just walk around their house at that speed?! Why do they need to hog the treadmills?!?! Thanks for the genius post!
ReplyDeleteAhhhh thank you! My gym has been packed the past few weeks, and I can't wait for it to calm down and get back to normal. I will never understand when it's so well known that most people sign up for the gym at the new year and then quit why people still do it! If you want to get healthy, stick with it and get healthy!
ReplyDeleteMy other pet peeve are the people talking on the phone, seriously it can't wait? Oy!
So you mean I shouldn't take my conference calls while at the gym? ;)
samm @ dysfunctionaleverafter.com
This post made me chuckle. I have never been to the gym-I work out at home. Some of the reasons you listed are why I do not want to go to a gym to work out. LOL.
It drives me crazy when girls run with their hair down too! And I also hate seeing girls come in caked in make up..you are at the gym!
ReplyDeleteIt drives me insane when girls wear their hair down at the gym! What on earth is the point?! My other pet peeve (along with your entire list) - when people feel the need to crowd you in the workout classes. There's a million other spaces in this huge room, why do you need to be all up in my personal space?!
ReplyDeleteThe girls running with their hair DOWN. I mean, really?
ReplyDeleteThis isn't Miss America. This is a G.Y.M.
I hate when people take like 45 minutes at their locker! First of all, someone else may need that locker and second of all...YOU'RE AT THE FRICKIN GYM...you don't need to spend all this time "getting ready" to sweat. Bah!
ReplyDeleteummm yes! smelly people are definitely my biggest pet peeve, sometimes it's so bad you can barely breathe on your machine.
ReplyDeleteUgh body odor is definitely one of my gym pet peeves!! Also when girls wear a full face of makeup. Why? WHY?!
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