most of you know if you read my blog, I am a HUGE fan of the Biggest Loser.
Like I-may-shed-a-tear-every-episode kinda obsessed...I love everything about it and just think it's soo wonderful seeing people change their lives! oh and I may have a new found obsession with trainer Bob which leads me to this post.
Unless you are living somewhere warm and tropical right now (and I am totally jealous if you are) then you may agree with me that in the winter it is SO hard to be motivated to go to the gym!!! Moving I was strolling around at some stores (obviously could be at the gym at this time) I thought about buying Bob's workout DVD's but never pulled the trigger! I got lucky because Billy's mom actually got me the same exact one I was looking at for Christmas! She read my mind.
I have never been the type to be able to work out at home... mainly because of the obvious distractions: food. reality tv. my dog. food. my blackberry. food.
You get the point. Anyways, this is the specific workout DVD I got...

and let me tell you...THIS IS NO JOKE!
I have done it for the past 2 weeks now for those nights that I just can't make it to the gym but still need an hour of exercise and it KICKS my butt!! You can chose between 2 workouts: 1 hour of cardio or a 20 min session! I love having the option to do either one because sometimes us women just don't have the time for the full hour. The 20 min session is JUST as focuses on your midsection and your legs...I'm talking...constant lunges, squats, and deadlifts! I was so sore after...kinda embarassing.
AND...this DVD is only $9.00!!! You can find it at Walmart or Best Buy (I think it's like $12 there)
I love it. It's like having Bob all up in my grillll just like on the Biggest Loser....yes I know, I am nerd so awesome.
ALSO... the word on the street is that Jillian's (the other trainer on the BL) Yoga DVD is GREAT so I'm thinking about buying that one soon! It's perfect for me because I have done Yoga before but I am not advanced at it yet so this can help me learn more about it from home.
I'll stop rambling now but if you want to try something different from home - try this!!!
*Don't stop reading yet*
I have to tell you about this amazing story going around in my city.
Have you heard of the Ted Williams story? oh you haven't? Ok well you're in luck...I will tell you!
Ted Williams is a homeless man here in downtown Columbus, Ohio. He has been known for panhandling with a homemade sign announcing his "God given gift of a voice" - the golden voice. Our local newpaper, the Columbus Dispatch, heard of him and stopped by to get him on video saying voice-over phrases like "coming up next!" etc. This video has quickly become one of the most popular videos on YouTube right now.
You can watch his video here and hear his truly AMAZING voice that you would never imagine he had!
OMGahhh this guy's voice is UNREAL!!! right?! He states in his video he has a huge passion for the radio and that ever since he was 14 he wanted to do something with his voice but then he got caught up in drugs/alcohol. He has been clean for 2 years now and has been trying to get noticed for his voice.
This is where the story gets amazing.
After making several apperances (he was on the Today Show this morning!) and other various talk shows and radio networks....the Cleveland Cavaliers, a NBA basketball team here in Ohio, just offered him a voice-over job!!!! I even heard this morning that the Cavs are going to pay the mortgage on his mom's house.
Supposedly, he is getting MULTIPLE job offers now ranging from the NFL to MTV.
How cool!! Way to go Ted!
That's all I've got ladies.....
Katie :)
*Don't stop reading yet*
I have to tell you about this amazing story going around in my city.
Have you heard of the Ted Williams story? oh you haven't? Ok well you're in luck...I will tell you!
Ted Williams is a homeless man here in downtown Columbus, Ohio. He has been known for panhandling with a homemade sign announcing his "God given gift of a voice" - the golden voice. Our local newpaper, the Columbus Dispatch, heard of him and stopped by to get him on video saying voice-over phrases like "coming up next!" etc. This video has quickly become one of the most popular videos on YouTube right now.
You can watch his video here and hear his truly AMAZING voice that you would never imagine he had!
OMGahhh this guy's voice is UNREAL!!! right?! He states in his video he has a huge passion for the radio and that ever since he was 14 he wanted to do something with his voice but then he got caught up in drugs/alcohol. He has been clean for 2 years now and has been trying to get noticed for his voice.
This is where the story gets amazing.
After making several apperances (he was on the Today Show this morning!) and other various talk shows and radio networks....the Cleveland Cavaliers, a NBA basketball team here in Ohio, just offered him a voice-over job!!!! I even heard this morning that the Cavs are going to pay the mortgage on his mom's house.
Supposedly, he is getting MULTIPLE job offers now ranging from the NFL to MTV.
How cool!! Way to go Ted!
That's all I've got ladies.....
Katie :)
(Um I never work out so I basically have nothing to contribute to the first part of your post. But I have watched full seasons of the BL in the past and I almost cry everytime, too. And then I usually feel like I should go do some crunches, but I end up just having a snack instead - HAHA). Yay for Ted, though! My local radio station was talking about him this morning, and THEY went out and recorded random homeless men saying things like "and you're listening LIVE to such and such radio station." They were voting on their favorite and it was HILARIOUS.
ReplyDeleteAshley- For real?! HAHA Wow! That is too funny!! and pretty cool they were talking about him on your radio travels quickly! Have a good weekend girl!