
Life With My Guy

Today is our FOUR year anniversary!

I think back to that day when I walked down the aisle to marry the man of my dreams and on the past ten years I've spent with Billy and know that it's, hands down, the best decision that I've ever made. I thought I loved him then (and our friends will tell you-I was crazy about him...and I mean borderline cah-razy), but the past 6 months has opened my eyes to a whole new kind of love. 

Starting this new journey together as soon to be parents has brought us closer together than ever before. Not a day has gone by that he has failed to take care of me, support me, and make me feel loved. He works so hard for us every single day (and at night in the nursery for the past 3 weeks!),  gives me more massages than he probably cares to admit even when he is tired after a long day, and tells me nearly everyday how pretty I am before he leaves for work. Because of all this and much much more, I have NO doubt in my mind that he is going to be the best daddy to our son (and other future kiddos..yep..went there!) Camden is going to, without a doubt, have the best role model as a father.

I love that I know Billy better than anyone. I love that he shows a side of himself to me that he doesn't show to anyone else. I love that even when we argue, I never have to question his love for me. He always has my best interest in heart. I love how silly we are when it's just the two of us, and how every night when I fall asleep I know that I have my best friend by my side and that he loves me unconditionally.

I'm so lucky that he chooses to do life with little ole me, and I couldn't be more excited for our new chapter to begin together as parents. I just love him. A lot. A lot. A LOT. and I don't care who knows it. :)

Happy anniversary, Billy! Thank you for loving me.

*special thanks to pregnancy hormones for making me sob before 10am even hits... 


  1. TOO sweet. Happy anniversary! Crazy to think that next year Camden will be here to celebrate with you!

    1. ahh! YES! That made me so excited :) thank you Natalie!

  2. Happy Anniversary! The love you two share is definitely something that shows to the world and Camden is going to have the best parents ever to teach him about what an amazing relationship is made of and how he should treat his future wife. Hope you have an amazing day!!!

  3. Love your post today babe! You mean the world to me and I'm so happy that I married my best friend.

  4. Happy Anniversary!! I love you guys love...if that makes sense. I hope to have that one day! I agree that Billy is going to be the best daddy! Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating!

  5. You two make a beautiful couple! Happy Anniversary! XO

  6. i love you guys together! hope today is really special for you friend! XO

  7. Happy Anniversary sweet lovebirds - there is nothing more special than a bond like you two share! How exciting that you have had such precious years together before starting a family - I am so excited for this next chapter in your lives and to follow along with you x

  8. Happy anniversary! We are wedding anniversary twins :)

  9. You two are the cutest!! Happy anniversary!

  10. Happy Anniversary to you both!!

  11. So sweet! Happy anniversary! It's our four year anniversary too! :)

  12. Happy Anniversary!! You guys are going to be the best parents to your little guy!!

  13. This is too sweet! I just started reading your blog and found myself quickly falling down the rabbit hole 30+ posts later! Have a wonderful anniversary :)

    Xx Dabay

  14. So sweet! :) Kids definitely change a marriage, but it can totally be for the better! :) I know you and Billy are going to rock this parent thing! Happy anniversary!

  15. Happiest of anniversaries to you and Billy! Savor this time as just the two of you! Next anniversary you'll be calling a baby sitter!

  16. This is the love I dream of.. thanks for reminding me that is IS out there and I don't have to settle.

  17. So sweet!! Happy Anniversary!! Watching your husband on these pregnancy journeys is one of the best things ever!

  18. You guys are too Cute! Happy Anniversary!

  19. Happy anniversary!! You are such a sweet couple!

  20. What a precious couple. I can't wait to see what this next year of marriage has in store for y'all. Makes me happy you are so happy friend.

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