
Sponsor KC&CO: March

see? I even used a green shirt
just for March. So festive.

Alright, fellow bloggies...
I'm sharing the news I mentioned I would announce yesterday.

Here's the dealio:

I have been contemplating accepting blog sponsors for a long time now. After a few emails from my readers (so sweet) that are interested, and recently reaching 1,000 followers {still pinching myself}, I've decided to do it. However, I'm only going to accept a certain number of sponsors each month because it is really important to me to keep the same posts and content on my blog that I've had all along. I want my blog to be a reflection of me and I don't want to take on too much. Hope you understand why I'm doing limited spots. I will evaluate how this month goes, and then possibly open up more spots in the future.

So, are you trying to grow your blog/shop?
This is the perfect opportunity to do so,
and will create more traffic towards your website.

I'm going to take 3-5 sponsors for March 
 which is actually good for your blog/shop because I won't have many buttons other than yours on my sidebar under sponsors!
aka less competition, friends.

(and yes, I realize it's almost March 1, but you will have your button on my sidebar by tomorrow.)


If you're interested:
Email me {at}

One spot is possibly already spoken for, so act quick!

Once the spots are gone, they are gone for the month.
I will give you more information about my rate, etc. when you email me.

I'm SO EXCITED about this!


As I mentioned yesterday, it's Billy's birthday week.
He turns 28 on Saturday.


I've decided to carry on my Mom's love notes
(if you are unsure what this means: read here-it's one of my fav posts ever) 
that she would leave for me, and everyday during Billy's birthday week leave little love notes for Billy in random places for him to find. 
Reasons why I love him.
Reasons why I'm proud to call him my husband.

This morning, I left this note on his car windshield for when he went to work...
{all the notes are on a Keep Calm and Carry On notepad, of course.}

{the bug thing? ...long story.}

don't act like you don't have cheesy nicknames
with your significant other.

 Lastly, I MUST know...
Who all is reading the Hunger Games?!

Pinned Image

Right now, I'm in the middle of the 2nd book, but I'm trying to read slowly so I don't go through the books too fast. So far, the 2nd book isn't keeping my attention as much as the 1st. For those of you who have read it, will this change? does it get better?

I cannot wait to go see the movie
when it comes out in a month.

Now that this is officially the most random post in Blogger history...

Peace OUT, friends.

and don't forget to EMAIL ME if you're interested in sponsoring
don't be shy now.. ;)


  1. That's great news Katie! I've been thinking of offering up sponsorship on my blog too....would you mind letting me know how it goes for you? And yes, I've read the Hunger Games! I think books one and two were my favorite...but book three is good too! Have fun!

  2. I'm right there with you on the Hunger Games. Book two is going slow but I also had a baby right after I started so that's distracting...haha. Hopefully the action starts up soon! I hear book 3 is great.

  3. i finished the first book and am fixing to start on the 2nd .. can't wait for the movie! how odd was it that it kinda ended up a love triangle??? lol..

  4. Awww I love the note idea, so cute!

  5. So heres my thought on The Hunger Games. Book one is totally engaging and invades your thoughts/dreams, etc. Book two reads very much like the first, but it is slower in parts but still good once you finish it. Book three changes courses entirely and is very different than the first two. I found book three to convey a LOT of information and I had to force myself to read slower so I could really understand it all (not that it was hard...just required more effort). However, I encourage you to keep reading because by the time you get to the end of book three, every slow part was totally worth it for the ending! I read the ending three times because it was so good. Great, great series.

  6. So heres my thought on The Hunger Games. Book one is totally engaging and invades your thoughts/dreams, etc. Book two reads very much like the first, but it is slower in parts but still good once you finish it. Book three changes courses entirely and is very different than the first two. I found book three to convey a LOT of information and I had to force myself to read slower so I could really understand it all (not that it was hard...just required more effort). However, I encourage you to keep reading because by the time you get to the end of book three, every slow part was totally worth it for the ending! I read the ending three times because it was so good. Great, great series.

  7. I love the notes idea! So cute. And the 2nd Hunger Games book is definitely slower than the first, but the 3rd book makes it worth it! Def cannot wait for the movie either!

  8. literally teared up reading that you are doing it like your moms love notes. AH you are so precious! billhead is so lucky

    i cant WAIT to read hunger games! need to ASAP!


  9. Love your love notes...so cute! And I'm reading Hunger Games...on the 3rd book and I have to say, they really aren't as good as the first! I'm trying to get through the third! But I'll stay optimistic until the end!

  10. Love, love, love the Hunger Games!!! Book 3 is slower than the other 2 but, of course you have to see what happens and that is what kept me going. I do love the series and can't wait for the movie.

  11. I love the love notes idea!!! SO CUTE! :) Happy birthday week to Billy!!!

    Good luck on the sponsors!!!

  12. haha I call my son Sawyer "Sawbug" which has now become "Bug" or "The Bug".

    And I am obsessed with Hunger games, they are so wonderful but the 2nd book is a little slow, it gets better, promise!

  13. I thought the same thing about the HG books. Two was slower, three was unexpected. One is hands down my favorite of them all.

  14. I call the boyfriend bug occasionally. I can't wait to read the Hunger Games. I've heard they are so good!

  15. Yay for sponsors! :) So excited for you and the success of your blog!

    And I call Corby "bug" all the time! He loves to hate it :)

  16. I love your blog!!! I am almost done with the first Hunger Games book and I cant wait to dive into the second one.

  17. i loved the second book of the hunger games! i think it should pick up for you... not quite as much action, but it makes you think more than the first one. i cannot wait for the movies!

  18. Congrats on the new venture with the blog. 1000 followers is a huge deal. Glad you are recognizing that! :)

  19. book two will start getting interesting in Part 3! Book three is great, but again starts off a little slow! I read them too fast! I don't know what to read now!

  20. Im interested in sponsoring your butt!

    Take that!!

  21. It took awhile to get into the 2nd book but I ended up loving it! I'm halfway through the 3rd one and am struggling to stay interested. I honestly never thought I'd enjoy the series but started reading them because it's what we're reading for the book club I'm in. Can't wait to see the movie next month!

  22. Girl you know I'm into the first book. Have you read my Maria book yet?!? Did you looooovvveeee it??

    Can't wait to celebrate Billy's day of birth Saturday!

  23. you are precious!! i love the notes idea. so sweet! since i am the worlds slowest reader, I still have not read HG2....HG1 was my book for 2011. haha i'm lame - I need to get on it!

  24. There is nothing sweeter than love notes.

  25. Yay for sponsorship! You truly deserve it!

    I just got the first Hunger Games book and can't wait to see the movie!

    HOORAY for the new design!!
    Always love working with you! ;)

  26. Yay for sponsorship! You truly deserve it!

    I just got the first Hunger Games book and can't wait to see the movie!

    HOORAY for the new design!!
    Always love working with you! ;)

  27. It does get better! Just sit down and read all of them...then you can join the rest of us bitting our nails until the movie come out!! It's totally worth it...


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