

{our Christmas gift to each other was this new sectional which came a few days before Christmas, for those wondering this is the one!}

Hi guys! I hope you all had the best holiday with your families and are recovering from the chaos! This was the first year in many many years that we stayed home in Columbus and it was so nice to be able to wake up Christmas morning in our new house. We stayed in our pajamas all day long and watched Christmas movies and put together the boys' new toys (making a mental note for next year to stock up on all types of batteries prior to Christmas day, ha.) I made mimosas and my parents stopped over in the afternoon to celebrate with the boys! Billy's parents actually came the weekend prior to help us move in, and bought the boys a bunch of great gifts to open up on Christmas morning.

Camden practically flipped out when he woke up! He ran out of his room and looked over the banister to see all the presents under the tree and said, "Santa came! Geez oh man!" then ran into Grayson's room to tell him that Santa came. It was so cute and made my heart swell! Playing Santa is SO MUCH FUN...

Camden's favorite toys this year was the Tonka garbage truck he got (the first thing he asked for so no surprise here), a basketball hoop, and Magic Tracks. Grayson has been loving a few of the new Little People Sets and the stuffed animal pig from Moana. 

Grayson has 3 teeth coming in that have been really bothering him, so sweet boy has been really attached to my hip and his paci. Poor thing was napping by 11am Christmas day...

It even snowed on Christmas Eve so we had a white Christmas! We took the boys out in the snow to play and I couldn't stop taking pictures of it. It was so beautiful..

Another thing I really enjoyed doing with the boys was baking cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. After I went to bed I wrote a letter "from Santa" to the boys and had it sitting out with the plate and empty milk jug in the morning, and they absolutely LOVED it. Cam was totally shocked and so happy that Santa wrote him a letter! :)

 {these are the looks of two boys shocked and nervous combined..}

As you could probably guess, we are still working so hard on projects around the house + unpacking. It is fun, but exhausting and never ending at the same time. Camden's birthday party is at our house in just over 2 weeks so we are trying our best to get as much as we can put together before then. I hope to have a big update // share more pictures soon. I've also been sharing some things I've bought and projects we're working on over on my snapchat and instagram. 

I hope you all have a great NYE!!

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