

Hi loves! 

Have you seen Zara's new home collection?

Girls, I die. I'm droooooling. I'm not sure if it's because I've been feeling under the weather the past few days (I wouldn't be lying if I told you I slept from 7:45pm last night to 7am-pure heaven), but all of Zara's home items make me want to jump on the bed, take a big giant nap, and never get out. I'm obsessed with all of it. Feast your eyes on this and let's all go "oooh" and "aahh" at the same time. Ready...go:

'Billy' Bedding-I think this means that it was meant for us, yes?

Who else thinks they need all of this stuff?
Steph-Maybe you should invest in some of this for the Krysh wing in your house? I'm just saying it wouldn't be a bad idea.

The only question I have for Zara is...where is the sale section?
Although, most of their stuff is very reasonable!

I'll be back tomorrow sharing some of my grocery list (since I've had some questions from my Trader Joe's picture on instagram-follow me @katiewkrysh) and some of my favorite fitness inspiration sources...something you may not expect! ;)



  1. Love this post! I saw Zara's new home collection yesterday & I am IN LOVE! A sale section sounds like a great idea to me :)

  2. Oooooooh! We are in the market for a new bedding set for our master bedroom - thank you for sharing! My bank account is cringing already.

  3. I love gray colors :) I mentioned you on my blog today ... even though I mention you all the time on my blog anyway haha ... see you tonight, hopefully. I have a hair appt at 415 and hope to make barre3 if i get done in time. I had to make an appointment and this was the only day she was free :(

  4. The white is gorgggg but I'm pretty sure I'd be afraid to sneeze anywhere near that pretty bed set. I'll take some fabulous gold pillows though!

  5. Well seeing as I'm moving this weekend I obvs need all this stuff. Lol adding to the housewarming wish list...which my mom will love I'm sure :)

  6. oh my oh my the second bedroom picture is gorgeous! definitely might need to snag that bedding! it's absolutely beautiful! and gold pillows, um hello, amaze!

  7. Holy wowza. In LOVE with that first set. And that wooster table, I die.

  8. The gold/first one is beautiful!

    I hope cookie butter and blue tortilla chips were on your list from trader joes! ;)

    Can't wait to read it!

  9. Hmmm, I think you need the Costa throw! That looks so comfy! Hope you're doing well!!! You LOVE to decorate a bedroom! haha.

  10. That blanket, those stools, I want it all!


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